Which leads to a confession. I didn’t want to mislead you, but we were on vacation last month. Living on a mission compound in Nairobi of three houses, we felt it un-wise to announce our absence which meant no residents on the compound! Thankfully within a day or two, all three homes will once again have occupants, so I can now safely share that we spent the month of June in North Carolina, only a few miles from our kids! It was great to share lots of special meals and visits, trips to parks and museums, VBS, etc.
We expected our youngest daughter, Jessie, to be preparing for a move, but all three were! Jessie, who has just completed two years at Southeastern Seminary, which included missions classes, beginning Arabic and lots of counseling courses, will begin her Masters of Teaching at the University of NC in August. She continues to dream of teaching in an international school. John, our oldest child, and Melanie moved into a 115 year old house during June. Only a home renovator and professional cleaner/ organizer could have seen the value of this house, but all their hard work is already helping the rest of us see the beauty of the little house they hope to own one day! Jennifer (our middle child), Aaron, and Bella decided it was time to leave apartment life and gave us a lesson on the ups and downs of buying a home. They will also be moving later this month to their new home which met all their heart’s desires – An easy commute to Jennifer’s work (event planner with the NCSU/CALS alumni), a home office for Aaron (Internet advisor), and most importantly, an incredible playground a block away with swings – three year old Bella’s number one requirement for a house!
We usually keep up with Kenya news when we are in the States, but this time, we decided to give ourselves a total break, which meant we missed lots of news that leads to prayer! Would you join us in praying for Kenya as preparations are made for elections next March and for added insecurities and happenings – from a politician dying in a helicopter crash (it is not known if this was an accident or part of the local political tensions) to continued bombings in churches and other places (some define these as terrorists attacks, others are unsure of the cause).
Yes, all of this is a little scary, but I will close today’s update with a bit from the Prayer Nudge I posted yesterday: “Illnesses and death… confusion and corruption, bombings and helicopter crashes - all bits of current East African news. How do missionaries continue being their Father's heart, hands and voice with confidence and peace? By recognizing that the devil is active and ... remembering and doing what is suggested in a chorus most learned as children: ‘Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.’” BERT
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Want to learn more of what God is doing in East Africa? Go to http://easternafrica2012prayernudges.blogspot.com/ or to to https://www.facebook.com/Imb.East.Africa .
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