Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22, 2012 Prayer Nudge from East Africa

'July 15th Nudge' UPDATE with the family’s adventures while returning to their Samburu home.  7:00 AM Thursday: “Getting ready to start our journey to Maralal… would appreciate prayer.”  1:30 PM: “Fog and wheel issues make slow going.  Need prayers.” 2:30 PM “leaving pavement. raining.  prayers appreciated.”  5:00 PM: “Keep praying.  Not home yet.  Trucks stopping on the muddy roads.” 7:30 PM: “Finally made it to Maralal. One bent rim, vehicles on the one lane/two way dirt road refusing to yield or move, stalled trucks in high water, fog, elephants crossing the road. But, we made it. Thanks for your prayers.”  More of their story tomorrow!
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To view daily "Prayer Nudges from East Africa", go to

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