Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 29, 2011

Today’s Prayer Update will short and sweet as I’m sitting out in the countryside beside a mud hut that is no longer liveable – actually it has free views of the moon at night that were not part of the design! The team from First Baptist Cary, NC, with the help of volunteers from the community are building her a new hut with a mbati (tin) roof. As I type, some of the team are off visiting/witnessing in the community, others are digging holes for the wood support that will frame the house before the walls are made of twigs and mud, and a few are slaughtering a goat will soon be roasting, which the team purchased as a thank you for those helping today!

When I say I’m sitting in the countryside, I mean I am sitting in the shade beside the house on a chair provided by a neighbour. The house built yesterday was for a widower with several small kids and today’s home is for a young mom with two small girls – their husband/dad simply didn’t come home one day! The community chooses the recipients and then helps the volunteers build the simple, but sturdy and dry homes. As the walls are built in the local traditional manner of locally available twigs and mud, the only cost is the nails, tin roof and hiring a professional Kenyan carpenter to supervise – provided by the volunteers.

This volunteer team is just one of many will be serving as our Father’s arms and hands this summer in Kenya and other parts of our world. So as many of you are enjoying summer weather, vacations, etc., use a bit of your longer days to pray for those serving our Father in places away from home – those serving in their home country/continent and those serving in new places! Pray for good health. Pray that their stomachs adjust to new foods. Pray that those in hot places drink plenty of water. Pray for strength and boldness as they deal with unique toilets or no toilets and limited water or only cold water for showers. Pray for good and restful sleep for those serving in different time zones. AND pray especially that they will be strong ambassadors of their heavenly Father as they share His story, His love and His salvation both in planned testimonies and as they visit with all they meet!

As I said, this would be short as there are no electricity lines within miles of where I am working and my computer battery will not last forever and working with my lap as a desk is not easy. But I will take time to thank you again for being a part of our work, more importantly God’s work as you pray and support others on mission with God. BERT

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 22, 2011

While worshipping last Sunday with our church family, I made notes of the joy and affirmation of being a part of our almost one year old church. During this year, we’ve had a special view of how God is at work in East Africa and the results of the past investment of past and current co-workers, those from other countries, as well as East African co-workers. Plus it is always a joy to see “kids” we’ve watched grow-up serving our Savior as professionals, church leaders and parents. One of my notes told of watching some of the males in this category join Jack in standing as a child offered a thanksgiving/ blessings prayer for Fathers. But then, as often happens, something, actually two some-things, occurred that led my heart in a different direction for this week’s Prayer Update.

The first event happened as we returned home that day. City-centre traffic was heavier than usual, plus Jack likes viewing all the road work transforming Nairobi, so we took a detour, but soon the traffic stalled again. Finally, we spotted the cause of the slow-down – lots of people seemingly suspended in the air followed by a huge red item. As vehicles ahead of us found new detours and we moved closer to the bottle-neck, we realized that the ‘flying people’ were riding on the back of high trucks and the huge red thing was a part of a parade. The next morning in our Daily Nation (6/20/11, p.8) a photo appeared of men and a male toddler pulling the large red pointed item we had seen, accompanied by this explanation: “Followers of Hare Krishna took to the streets of Nairobi yesterday to educate people about the movement during the annual ... Chariot Festival … held annually to revive followers’ love for God.”

Thanks to ever-present pot-holes, my photo of the procession was not super, but I used it for today’s 2011 Prayer Nudges from East Africa. Also, included is my heart reaction: “Praying that those celebrating this festival come to truly ‘grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the Love of Christ, and ... be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.’ (Ephesians 3:18, 19)” To glean more Prayer Nudges for those celebrating the Chariot Festival, which includes those who worship at several temples in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, go to the sites listed at the end of this Prayer Update.

The second something happened last night. After sharing Indian food with two visiting friends, we viewed what some call “Little India” – a nestle of little shops with un-African looking clothes, jewelry and worship items. We had already passed a prayer room where worshippers gather five times daily, when we heard the loud clanging of bells. A growing strong smell of incense was also hard to miss!

Eventually we spotted two young men frantically ringing brass bells suspended from the ceiling of their highly decorated small prayer room of yet another faith. An older man and a woman were crouched on the floor chanting. Our ears, eyes and nose were all strongly affected, but our hearts were affected the most as we watched these people seeking to please their gods. Please join us in praying for those in East Africa who are still among those in our world seeking the true God. Pray that each of us will be strong ambassadors of His love and salvation in every encounter we experience with those of other faiths.

Please join us also in praying for guidance, physical strength, safety and sensitivity as we begin meeting and traveling with volunteer groups who have chosen to serve in Kenya during the American summer – including one group led by our youngest daughter, Jessie, and her friend, Amy! Many of these volunteers will be youth, so pray that we will find ways to share our joy in being where God has called us to serve. BERT YATES
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- For more photos of variations of what we saw and an explanation, go to:
- Youtube of Jagannath Ratha-Yatra Chariot Festival Vancouver '08 -
- For photos of the 2011 celebration of this festival in England –

Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 15, 2011

I should begin today’s Prayer Update with the fact that I am extremely frustrated at the moment! I shared last week that “I’m learning a new computer and new programs” and I asked that you “pray for me as I send e-mails, prayer letters and post new Daily Prayer Nudges from East Africa.” Trust me, I have needed those prayers. After fighting the new “free” program for sending e-mail messages for two weeks, I finally accepted last night that it simply will not do what I need it to do AND it is good stewardship on my part to buy a program
that I know will work! That program will not be in my hands for at least two weeks, so I’m not sure if/when I will send you today’s Prayer Update!

Added to this, our internet is performing very iffy. AFTER I decided to focus this week’s Prayer Update on a prayer walk slideshow for Church Planting Training AND spent the morning creating it, my weak internet refuses to place the photos in the spot where you can see them, WHICH means I cannot send this message until the internet decides to cooperate and I can share where to find the Prayer Walk! The current slowdown in my work due to fighting the computer and our internet means that I’ve not been able to move on to the new work that was also a part of last week’s prayer request: “Pray for guidance as I plan my work for the coming weeks, especially as I plan what/how/when to do my old work and add new ways to help co-workers share what God is doing in East Africa and how you can be a part of this work” – SO KEEP ON PRAYING for this need!

Thankfully, Jack’s work was not frustrating this week! God is answering our prayers for his work – “Pray for Jack as he decides the who/ when /where decisions of teaching Church Planting Training to Kenyan Baptists in the coming months. Pray that he will choose to work exactly where God leads. Pray for us as we travel north of Nairobi on Friday for a Church Planting Training being led by one of the dedicated leaders who Jack trained earlier this year to train others in making and multiplying disciples.” Fewer people showed up at Turu Turu Baptist Church in the Abedares Mountains than expected, but Jack was certain that God sent the right small group of disciples who wanted more training in making disciples of others and planting new churches! To keep you praying, use the Prayer Walk, “2 Timothy 2:2 in Action in Turu Turu” at

Another bit of news that did not lead to frustration this week was news from the IMB: “The LMCO (Lottie Moon Christmas Offering) total for 2010 is in, and we are grateful. The total is $145,662,925, which is the fourth largest total in history. Granted, this is $3 million less than the $148.9 million given in 2009, a 2.2 percent decrease, and $8.3 million less than needed to meet the LMCO income portion of the 2011 operating budget. Nevertheless, please be assured that we will be moving full speed ahead in pursuing the vision. Having just been in the States, we know that many of you are facing tough financial times, so we are very, very thankful for your gifts that allow Jack and I and our IMB co-workers to be in many parts of the world doing what God has called us to do. We agree fully with the last sentence included with the Lottie note: “Please be assured that we will be moving full speed ahead in pursuing the vision” – the vision of telling our world about our heavenly Father who “so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him share not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). BERT YATES

**** Only took five hours to post the Prayer Walk and begin sending this message! Just made another stewardship decision that I had been debating – Tomorrow I’m investing in another option for internet to use as a back-up! PLUS I realized a day later that for the FIRST time ever I forgot to add our newsletter to our blog! STRESS won yesterday - time to take a computer break!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8, 2011

We did have a great vacation with family and friends in North Carolina during May, but Jack and I were ready to return to Kenya last week and get back to work! We especially loved being with our kids - JOHN and Melanie (left); JENNIFER, Aaron and Bella Bernabi (centre), BERT (right back) JESSIE and JACK (bottom right), but we were reminded again and again that our “familiar” or “norm” is defined by our lives in Kenya rather than North Carolina!

These times included fueling the car and not thinking the price of gas was that high as we normally pay the equivalent of $4.75 to $5 per gallon in Kenya (bought by the litre and in Kenya shillings!) Another AHA moment was when friends reacted to my casually mentioning the security guards at our East African home each evening and on Sundays! As I tried to explain, I realized that this is one of the good reasons for missionaries to go on leaves – an opportunity to re-evaluate their lives and to check on what they have become accustomed to, whether good or bad!

As we get back on schedule, or what we call a schedule as our days/weeks may be more flexibly planned than those in other places in the world, we need your prayer support. Pray for Jack as he decides the who/when/where decisions of teaching Church Planting Training to Kenyan Baptists in the coming months. Pray that he will choose to work exactly where God leads. Pray for us as we travel north of Nairobi on Friday for a Church Planting Training being led by one of the dedicated leaders who Jack trained earlier this year to train others in making and multiplying disciples.

I’m learning a new computer and new programs, so pray for me as I send e-mails, prayer letters and post new Daily Prayer Nudges from East Africa (CLICK the outdoor shopping photo on the right for today’s newest Prayer Nudge!). Pray for guidance as I plan my work for the coming weeks, especially as I plan what/how/when to do my old work and add new ways to help coworkers share what God is doing in East Africa and how you can be a part of this work.

Thank you for the assurance we have of your support, we do depend upon you! BERT