Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8, 2011

We did have a great vacation with family and friends in North Carolina during May, but Jack and I were ready to return to Kenya last week and get back to work! We especially loved being with our kids - JOHN and Melanie (left); JENNIFER, Aaron and Bella Bernabi (centre), BERT (right back) JESSIE and JACK (bottom right), but we were reminded again and again that our “familiar” or “norm” is defined by our lives in Kenya rather than North Carolina!

These times included fueling the car and not thinking the price of gas was that high as we normally pay the equivalent of $4.75 to $5 per gallon in Kenya (bought by the litre and in Kenya shillings!) Another AHA moment was when friends reacted to my casually mentioning the security guards at our East African home each evening and on Sundays! As I tried to explain, I realized that this is one of the good reasons for missionaries to go on leaves – an opportunity to re-evaluate their lives and to check on what they have become accustomed to, whether good or bad!

As we get back on schedule, or what we call a schedule as our days/weeks may be more flexibly planned than those in other places in the world, we need your prayer support. Pray for Jack as he decides the who/when/where decisions of teaching Church Planting Training to Kenyan Baptists in the coming months. Pray that he will choose to work exactly where God leads. Pray for us as we travel north of Nairobi on Friday for a Church Planting Training being led by one of the dedicated leaders who Jack trained earlier this year to train others in making and multiplying disciples.

I’m learning a new computer and new programs, so pray for me as I send e-mails, prayer letters and post new Daily Prayer Nudges from East Africa (CLICK the outdoor shopping photo on the right for today’s newest Prayer Nudge!). Pray for guidance as I plan my work for the coming weeks, especially as I plan what/how/when to do my old work and add new ways to help coworkers share what God is doing in East Africa and how you can be a part of this work.

Thank you for the assurance we have of your support, we do depend upon you! BERT

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