I truly believe that God guides His children, but sometimes I question how it happens. How can “Whether WE turn to the right of to the left, OUR ears hear… ‘This is the way; walk in it’” (Isaiah 30:21). During chapel at KBTC yesterday, I found myself asking again, “How does God do it?”
As always when these queries surface in my mind, I realize yet again the truth of Psalm 68:35. Our God is awesome. He does give us “power and strength” and guidance and we will never be able to praise Him enough for these gifts, for His wanting to use us and that He allows us to be a part of His work.
I need to back-up a bit and share of earlier times of being awed by these thoughts, beginning with August, 2012, when we lived on the KBTC campus for several weeks as Jack taught. We left concerned about things we had seen and heard. During our individual devotions in the next week or so, God began showing us a new direction for our lives. We did not share out thoughts about what we were sensing, until the day came when one of us said, “I need to tell you something…” and the other completed the sentence. God was calling Jack to serve as the Principal at KBTC.
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Another gift God sent to KBTC - these two sisters led us in AWESOME worship during yesterday's chapel. |
2013 was a difficult year and a diversion arose for a few months, but God gave us the “power and strength” to trust Him and continue to follow His way. We became certain that one part of His way was that KBTC needed to offer training for African missionaries, not missionaries TO Africa, but Africans who are responding to God’s call to carry out our Saviour’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
For more than a year, missionaries from around the world have lived on the KBTC campus, studying at the language school housed in older KBTC classrooms. Then a couple from China learning Swahili moved to the cottage beside us. As our friendship developed, we learned of their heart for training leaders for the newly developing Chinese churches in Africa. We also learned of their desire to bring pastors from China to a place where they can easily complete theological training.
And that brings me back to “How does God do it?” Yesterday’s chapel was an incredible affirmation that God is and has been leading us and others at KBTC to walk in His way! You see, the husband of the family living beside us was the day’s chapel speaker and he shared his testimony and of their calling to share God’s love with Chinese in Africa and to offer training to the leaders of all Chinese churches.
Some say there are 2 million Chinese now in Africa, but the exact number is unknown. What is known is that more are arriving daily and most of these guests have never had an opportunity to accept the hope offered by our Saviour. In the photo above, Jack is praying at the conclusion of yesterday’s chapel for God’s guidance as KBTC provides opportunities to fulfill these dreams for training of Chinese Believers, Chinese Believers who want to reach their people with our Good News.
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Another special treat was served after yesterday's chapel - our neighbours prepared a Chinese lunch for all the students and staff. AND yes, they even had a few chopsticks for the braver ones to use! My favorite from their kitchen is always the Marbled Tea Eggs. |
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Remember to view the daily Nudges to Action for Sub-Saharan African Peoples, a part of Bert's work as the Prayer Networker for Sub-Saharan African Peoples at https://www.facebook.com/SubSaharanAfricanPeoples.Personal Bits of our Hearts Nudges to Action are shared at https://www.facebook.com/bitsofourhearts
For more from Jack's work, visit KBTC's site! Like the daily Bits of our Hearts posts, it can be viewed by non-FB users. TABS at the top of this page make viewing extra easy!
*Recipe for Chinese marbled tea leaf eggs - http://allrecipes.com/recipe/chinese-tea-leaf-eggs/.
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we give glory to God
Congratulations to each of your Servants of Jesus in continuing to develop and guide this work atr KBTC. Special congrats to our friend Pastor Joseph Kamau in his service a Academic Dean. Mary Lackore , Middlebury, Indiana
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