Thursday, October 24, 2013

Yellow Snow - A Special Gift from God

I know that some of you were praying for me today!  Preparing to go on Stateside Assignment is hard work -  between packing our suitcases and preparing to 'secure' our house for six months - all while doing our regular work!  Plus, e are just to wired to 'shut-down' at night, which is resulting in only a few hours of sleep before the alarm goes off at sunrise!

I was excited about my plans for today (showing a new couple around a part of Nairobi where their 'heart' people own shops), but my usual huge mug of Kenyan coffee and a smaller mug of Kenyan tea didn't work and I was in need of a recharging perk! THEN as I waited for our friends to arrive, I looked out our bedroom window and spotted this incredible view.  Thankfully, the new couple were late in arriving and I got to enjoy this view every time the wind blew for almost an hour!

Unedited close-up photos of the SNOW OF YELLOW PETALS can be viewed at

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