Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 9, 2013

Bert's devotion 'tools'.
All the notations and colourful highlights in my Study Bible prove that I have read my Bible through many times.  BUT once again, God’s word has definitely been living and active this week as I’ve read in Isaiah and ‘discovered’ new guidance, correction and encouragement. 

Two buibui clad women.
Shout it aloud, do not hold back.  Raise your voice like a trumpet.  Declare to my people… Then your light will rise in the darkness” (Isaiah 58:1,10).  On my list of things-to- do last Saturday was visiting a Muslim friend who lost relatives during the Westgate Mall siege.  I also wanted to talk to her about purchasing a special wrap to use while on Stateside Assignment. My friend encouraged me to buy one (which I did, amazingly at an affordable price) and as we talked, I realized this purchase was giving me a chance to declare to my friend a bit more about my relationship with my heavenly Father.  Pray that Jack and I will always be alert to opportunities to reflect the ‘light’ of our Saviour.

A definite reminder to claim peace on a busy day...
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you” (Isaiah 26:3).  This was already a favorite verse, but with the recent terrorists’ problems in Kenya, preparing for our six month Stateside Assignment, and ongoing financial problems at the Kenya Baptist Theological College, I needed a reminder of this verse!  Pray that we will fully trust in our Father and claim His peace!

... and this nudge arrived a few minutes later.
Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say” (Isaiah 28:23). Would you join us in praying that in all the busy-ness and stress of our lives, that we will take time to listen and hear our Father’s voice not just with our ears, but with our hearts and actions.  Pray that we will know and obey His instructions and teachings (v.26).

One thing we always miss during our time in the U.S:
REAL break with REAL ingredients, but it does lack the
preservatives, so we must watch for colourful mold!
“Caraway is not threshed with a sledge, nor is a cartwheel rolled over cumin; caraway is beaten out with a rod, and cumin with a stick” (Isaiah 28:27).  I laughed as I read this during devotions last Sunday.  We had enjoyed a fresh whole-grain loaf of bread seasoned with cardamom and an omelet with cumin for breakfast and Jack and I had joked about how our taste buds had changed!  When we first arrived in Kenya, we DID NOT appreciate the addition of cumin or cardamom in so many local foods!

Our God has a sense of humour!  Last week I shared
a 'staged' photo of this cactus with a purple bloom.
This morning I spotted God's 'staging' - the Jacaranda
 bloom fell perfectly into the shorter bit of cactus!
This verse is a needed reminder for those of us who work among people groups other than our own.  Just as we learn the languages of others, we must also understand their lives and values, the way they do and understand things, which can include food preferences!  Would you pray for discernment and the guidance of the Holy Spirit for workers in our Father’s Harvest Fields as we learn of these differences and use what we learn to communicate what makes us different as God’s children! 

Stunning and amazing Jacaranda trees in bloom!
“Be stunned and amaze … I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder” (Isaiah 29:9,14). How often do I take time to truly be amazed by His wonders and His answers to my prayers?  Pray that as we focus on what God is calling us to do, we will not be so busy that we overlook what He IS doing! 

Spotted this yesterday outside our bedroom window -
not sure what the mousebirds were doing, but these
three are turning right and left as one tale 'goes' south!
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’…Sing… celebrate… hearts will rejoice… The LORD will cause men to hear his majestic voice (Isaiah 30:21,29,30).  Please pray that Jack, I and our co-workers, those from other countries as well as Kenyan Baptists, will always hear and obey our Father’s voice. Pray also that we will take time to sing, celebrate and rejoice, recognizing that this witness from our hearts can lead others to hearing our Father’s majestic voice, a voice sharing of His love and salvation. 

I chose to celebrate our Father's guidance and provision today by preparing a "Gift for Supporters of KBTC"  - Flowers spotted around the Kenya Baptist Theological College campus yesterday, ready for use as screen-savers,Power-point backgrounds, etc. Offered as thanks to supporters of KBTC and as a reminder for both praising God and prayers that KBTC staff and students will always rely upon God's guidance and provision.

Thank you for the assurance we have of your support.  Don’t ever forget that as you pray and give, you are joining us as workers in our Father’s Harvest Field among Sub-Saharan African Peoples. BERT
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"Gift for Supporters of KBTC" is found at

Remember that Daily Nudges to Prayer for Sub-Saharan African Peoplescan be found at – Non FB users can easily view these prayer nudges.

Another 'fuzzy' photo which I love!  The kid on the ground
had not fallen down - he was trying to climb into the bucket!

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