I do have positives to share this week. Jack has begun another two week session at Kenya Baptist Theological College teaching Baptist Beliefs, History and Practice to 3rd year Youth Ministry. His prayer request is that these 11 students (from Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan/ 8 men, 3 women) will be strong and capable sharers of our Father’s love and salvation with the youth and children of East Africa.

I know that once again that I have given you a lot of things you can view/check-out. I’m not apologizing, but another comment I made this week on Facebook shares my reasoning: “Sharing a lot today… but there are many things in need of prayer and I know that as God created each of us to be unique individuals, our hearts and minds are attuned to praying for different needs.” Thanks again for being a part of our prayer team! BERT YATES
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(1) “100 die in Fuel Fire” – http://www.nation.co.ke/News/100+killed+in+Nairobi+fuel+fire/-/1056/1235082/-/ysld31z/-/index.html
(2) “Nation in mourning…” http://www.nation.co.ke/News/Nation+in+mourning+as+toll+rises+/-/1056/1235964/-/item/0/-/g026p3z/-/index.html
(3) PRAYER NUDGE FROM EAST AFRICA – http://easternafrica2011prayernudges.blogspot.com/ or on Facebook
(4) Baptist Global Response/ Drought Crisis – http://www.baptistglobalresponse.com/projects/view/horn_of_africa_drought_crisis
(5) For a look at the realities of the Sinai and a some of the other slums in Nairobi, check out Slum Profiles – http://www.citiesalliance.org/ca/sites/citiesalliance.org/files/CA_Docs/resources/Nairobi%20Inventory/SlumProfiles3_MakadaraDivision.pdf
(6) Satisfied Souls at Ridgeways Baptist – http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150421710975130.452322.685050129&l=85cd4b7384&type=1
(7) Praising God with Ridgeways Baptist Church –
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