Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

To our amazement, Jack was released from the Johannesburg hospital yesterday, Friday, just two days after his shoulder replacement on Wednesday. The doctor and the physical therapist are both very pleased with how his shoulder is healing. Also in the amazing category is the fact that he can already move his arm more easily and with less pain than he could before surgery. Jack will see the doctor next Friday and we may be able to add another amazing bit to this journey by returning to Nairobi next Saturday, the 26th, the original date that the doctor hoped to release Jack, rather than May 1st, the date the doctor expected by the time my ticket was written. This is assuming that I can quickly have my ticket re-written; otherwise Jack’s ticket will be re-set for the 1st to coincide with my ticket. Thanks for being a part of these amazing facts through your prayers!

Many have asked where we are staying, etc. The answer is that we are staying at the Baptist guest house in Johannesburg which offers special medical rooms for those of us from around Africa who need medical care. We also have a car available for our use and we are enjoying the great South African well paved roads WITHOUT potholes, but I am finding all the 4-Way stops, robots (stop lights, often uniquely shaped), and changing lane patterns a little overwhelming after years of relying upon Kenya’s round-abouts and simpler roads. Thankfully, most drivers here are very polite and forgiving, but they do like to travel at high speeds on their multi-lane free-ways – which I hope to avoid! It appears that many people think the speed limit of 120 kilometres/hour (75 miles/hour) is the bottom limit rather than the top legal speed! There are also three IMB nurses assigned here to help our staff who come to Johannesburg for check-ups and treatments – another aspect of the great support we receive as IMB missionaries thanks to your giving to the Lottie Moon Offering and Cooperative Program. Through your prayers you ARE strengthening and encouraging – THANK YOU! Bert Yates

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