Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thank you for your prayers. Jack made it to Johannesburg, South Africa, without any problems on Sunday and he did have all his reports completed – but he worked until the last minute as we were without electricity from early morning until almost bedtime on Saturday! He saw the surgeon early Monday morning and a “hemi” – a type of shoulder replacement surgery (the ball of his right shoulder will be replaced) – is planned for Wednesday, April 16th in Jo’burg. Between high school sports injuries, driving on Kenyan roads and deteriorating arthritis, his shoulder definitely needs some help. The surgeon said the recent extreme pain was the result of no remaining cartilage in the shoulder. Jack is relieved to finally have a long-term solution offered. The surgeon said that other than selling his golf clubs and the movement of heavy boxes becoming my job, he should be back to normal in a short time. If all goes well, we should return to Kenya on May 1st.

The IMB has given me approval to travel to South Africa tomorrow to join Jack and be there to help after his surgery. We are very, very thankful for the excellent medical care that the IMB provides and your missionary nurses who are assigned to assist us here and in South Africa. The internet system at the Baptist guest house in Jo’burg is “iffy” these days, so we will be able to make contact through internet, but I will be limited in sending bulk messages. I will use this blog to keep you updated on how to pray for Jack in the next few weeks.

For those of you who are only on our personal list and not my "work" list for all of Kenya, you can find the prayer items that I have been sending recently, that I hope to update at least twice a week while we're down south at: http://www.omba4kenya.blogspot.com/ .

Thanks again for praying for us – we do depend upon you! Bert

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