Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3, 2013

Over a year ago, “at a large church, I left my 30 year old NIV Bible on the pew and the Bible ‘walked away.’” I shared this event in our January 4, 2012 update and how God provided me with a new Bible.  As always when I share our lives with you, I write much more than I can include, which always leads to lots of deletions.  This morning during my morning devotions, I was reminded of one of my responses to losing my Bible that I removed from that update.

Photos this week include scenes viewed as we ran errands
this week, such as this outdoor market of colourful pots...
My Kenyan friends responded to my loss by assuring me that “God will use your notes to speak to the one who ‘borrowed’ your Bible. He will use it to bring that person to Him.”  My reaction was not as ‘spiritual’ – it was embarrassment!  I worried about what the person who ‘borrowed’ my Bible would think of my many notes in the margins beside verses – notes related to my responses as God’s Words became “living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12a) – notes which included my usual response of lots of personally directed questions and responding with very, very honest answers as God “judges the thoughts and attitudes of MY heart” (Hebrews 4:12b).

... and colourful fruit..
Notes such as the following questions recorded this morning as I read verses about keeping my ‘eyes’ or ‘focus’ on God:

... and creative versions of some of God's marvelous creations!
Psalm 25:15: “My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.”  As a Believer, who is a ‘professional’ missionary, I’ve often told people to do this as I’ve mentored and in materials that I’ve written, but how often do I fully keep my eyes on my Father?  Do I worry and try to fix problems or look for His answers to any ‘snare’ I encounter?

Surprises are also spotted, such as scenes viewed in
Nairobi today that could have been spotted in Bible days
Psalm 118:23,24:  “… the LORD has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.  This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” In my work as the Affinity Networker, I have the joy of nudging you and others to the marvelous work God is allowing our co-workers among Sub-Saharan African Peoples to join Him in doing, but how often do I take time to be in awe of our Father, to thank Him, rejoice and be glad for all the marvelous things He does in my own life?

Photos this week also include scenes spotted during our
late May trip to the coast...
Psalm 119:18: “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”   Do I truly want to open my eyes and always “obey your word” (v.17) even when it is difficult, risky, uncomfortable, or even something I really would rather not do or face?

... including this elephant family... 
I think I’ve shared enough to help you see that serving our Father as a ‘professional’ missionary does not mean that we are free of frustrations, exhaustion, doubts, weaknesses, disobedience, and on and on.  If anything, it seems that the more our eyes are opened and we recognize His call on our lives and the burning He puts in our hearts (Luke 24:31,32), the greater the attacks the devil sends our way!  Which is my motivation for sending our weekly newsletters – we must have people claiming Hebrews 12:2,3 for us – people praying that we will “fix our eyes on Jesus… so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” – people like you whose eyes are opened and are ready to respond to our Saviour’s challenge in John 4:35, “Look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” 

... when we stayed atop a hill overlooking Tsavo Park.
It is difficult to fully share our thanks for your support which does encourage and strengthen us, but I can offer one small thanks this week – an event that brought us joy this past week – a video made last Sunday morning as Believers at Parklands Baptist Church sang “Bwana Mungu, Nashangaa.”  “How Great Thou Art” sung in Kiswahili will likely also lead to you rejoicing and being glad in the marvelous actions of our Father! 

The balcony of our room was the triangle in the centre -
a great place for viewing all the elephants below!
I can go on and on sharing – the reason I always, including today, must delete lots of thoughts and prayer requests as I write – but I do want to thank you for the many ways you support us and allow us to serve our Father in His Sub-Saharan African harvest field. I also ask that you join us in praying as decisions continue to be made related to Kenya Baptist Theological College’s leadership and future in training and equipping God’s workers in East Africa. Join Jack in praying that he will clearly see and know God’s desire for his involvement at KBTC.  Pray for me as I nudge you and others to action for the peoples of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Pray for me as I begin seeking nudges related to Ramadan. BERT YATES
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Now it's time for you to focus a bit - can you spot the
elephant that entertained us during breakfast one morning?
January 4, 2012 Yates/IMB/Kenya blog post

Daily Nudges to Action for Sub-Saharan African Peoples at

“Bwana Mungu, Nashangaa”

Close-up - the 'rock' on the far right is an elephant...
...walking down the hill!

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