Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17, 2013

Writing today from Brackenhurst and for those of you who have experienced mission meetings (now called AGM’s) up on this mountain, you will enjoy knowing that we’ve awoken to cold mornings, but sunlight every morning so far and the days have been beautiful!  For those of you who have not experienced Brackenhurst at this time of year, you often awaken in July and August to cold/damp days with little sun as you live in the clouds!

Some of you may be disappointed when spotting the above photo and learn that “American eagle” is no longer THE game to be played on this beautiful spot, but I did try to get my two Missionary Kid (MK) nephews, who are now my co-workers, Tim T. and Chris, as well as our guest speaker, another MK nephew, Scott Whitson, to pose for the photo, but… For those of you who have not a clue why many MKS call the above spot THE American Eagle Field, just think of the kid’s game, RED ROVER, played by teen-aged boys with a few brave girls, and you can imagine why some missionary parents remember not the fun the kids had, but the bruises and even broken bones that occurred each mission meeting!

One of the many beautiful flowers at Brackenhurst.
I need to get to our meeting, so here are our prayer requests for the week.  The week’s theme  is IN CHRIST ALONE and I wish you could experience the joy I’ve felt each evening as we closed our service by the group singing, “In Christ alone my hope is found… For I am His and He is mine… the power of Christ in me… in the power of Christ I’ll stand.”  Pray that this will be a week of rest, strengthening, encouragement and revival for co-workers and a week of great fellowship for the adults and the kids.

All the teens are walking around today with coloured
hands and bodies after tie-dying shirts yesterday!
Would you also join us in praying for a special volunteer team headed our way this weekend?  To give you a clue as to why it is special to us, I’ll share the comments which our youngest daughter, Jessie, and Shem Okello, the Volunteer Coordinator for the Baptist Convention of Kenya, posted on Facebook:

One of the many contrasts that volunteers spot after arriving
at the international airport in Nairobi - a city with tall buildings
and men dressed in suits as well as those in their traditional garb!
An Excited Jessie: “I feel like something important is happening this week...but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is...Maybe I should pack just in case travelling will be required in some form.”
Shem:  “Coming to Kenya and meeting 7000 young people and teaching true love waits and working and feeding the orphans should make you happy and restless!”

One never knows what will be spotted
 atop buses headed to the countryside!
Pray for a safe trip this weekend for Jessie and the team from First Baptist Cary (NC) and pray for the visit next week to Ahero (west Kenya, near Kisumu) where they will be sharing their faith.  Pray also for a good visit as Jessie stays with us for a week after the team leaves.

This photo was spotted in the city at our church last Sunday,
but can also be spotted even in rural churches these days -
a Sunday School teacher using his computer as he teaches
and 'students' using their phones to read the Bible!
Would you also join us in praying for Jack’s Mom who was hospitalized recently for a cracked vertebrae?  She is now in a rehab facility in Rocky Mount, NC, receiving great care.  Pray for quick healing, great medical care, and patience on her part as sitting still is not her norm! 

A photo for Jack's Mom - Jack with his Sunday School class!
Thank you once again for all the ways you support us – which for those of you who give to Lottie Moon Offering and the Cooperative Program, includes providing for funds so our staff can have times together such as this mission meeting when we can receive training, encouragement, strengthening and a time to celebrate the opportunity to serve our Father in His Harvest Fields within Africa.   BERT YATES
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Daily Nudges to Prayer for Sub-Saharan African Peoples can be found at Sub-Saharan African Peoples ( and at SSAP Nudges to Action – Praying, Serving and Giving.

Spotted on the drive from Nairobi to Brackenhurst.

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