“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Jack quoted Philippians 4:4 yesterday as he opened the first chapel service of the being Revived/ Restored/ Resurrected/ Revised/ Rescued Kenya Baptist Theological College.
He didn’t quote verse 6, “
Do not be anxious about anything, but… by prayer and petition… present your requests to God,” but it would have fit his challenge to the students (12 have now cleared fees), staff, teachers and administration to focus on God and nothing else. Why? His listeners have been praying and petitioning for the things included in his list of things to not focus upon – things which are needed, specifically electrical outlets, hot showers in the dorms and a proper kitchen!
KBTC's version of Psalm 33:1-3: Sing joyfully to the Lord...
Praise the LORD with the keyboard and the guitar.
Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. |
When classes, chapel and the dining hall were moved into the partially completed new building, the music teachers and kitchen staff quickly spotted the lack of outlets in the new building, nor was there running water in the kitchen. I should note that the major reason for the immediate use of the new building was that the old building housing KBTC’s kitchen/ dining room/ chapel was no longer usable thanks to termites!
KBTC family praising God during chapel with their
hands and feet while singing a Swahili chorus! |
So fundi (plumbers/ electricians/ repairmen) have been and are busy in the new building providing overhead lights, outlets, as well as water in the kitchen! Needless to say, Jack has been very thankful that the staff, teachers and students are being very understanding through all of this.
Students reading the scriptures during the chapel service. |
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27) is another verse Jack did not quote yesterday, but it is a great verse to describe what happened on the campus in recent days. It has been a team effort as the KBTC staff, volunteers, electricians, plumbers, etc. use their gifts, talents and abilities to accomplish the desired RESULT of all the R’s listed in the first paragraph: For the college to be a place where African Believers can be prepared to REFLECT the PRESENCE OF GOD and become qualified and capable workers in our Father’s Harvest Field.
The opposite end of the room housing the dining area/chapel... |
All that is happening at the college is a great example of how it takes more than professors/ teachers for God’s work to be done, but it takes those doing the finances and running the offices, those preparing hot meals for students, those who make sure that water is running and electricity working, and many more non-teacher/preacher jobs for God’s work to be accomplished.
... where the staff prepare the Kenyan delicacy... |
The job we need you to do at the moment is to join us in prayer. Join us in thanking God for all those at KBTC, for their patience and desire to serve our Father and be his fellow workers. Pray for patience and wisdom as Jack and others try to rectify/ resolve old problems, so that they can focus on the future goals of the college, including adding a new set of courses preparing God’s children to serve in those areas where our Father’s love has not yet reached or been accepted. Pray for the students who are still seeking current and unpaid tuition fees so that they can return to classes.
... CHAPATI! |
Pray also for wisdom as Jack and his team decide which needs are the greatest as they balance finances with the need for hot water in the dorms, repairing of impassable, slippery roads on campus, as well as taking care of leaking roofs in old buildings (this rainy season has brought unusually heavy rains) and especially in the new building which lacks a proper roof!
One of the rooms in the unfinished second story
of the new building and in the distance is... |
Thanks also for praying for me as I sought help last week with my asthma. Things didn’t go as planned! The specialist I visited has changed his policies and announced that I was TOO OLD for him to treat me (he now treats only kids and young adults), so my regular doctor prescribed added medicines which are thankfully working and other than feeling a bit ‘drugged’, I am much better.
... the tea fields that border the KBTC campus. |
Continue praying also that I will have sensitivity as I seek to strengthen and encourage my coworkers, many who are facing many frustrations and spiritual attacks, by sharing their stories of how God is at work among their Sub-Saharan African Peoples and nudging* you and others to join in God’s work in His harvest field! BERT YATES
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* One part of Bert's work is posting daily Nudges to Action for Sub-Saharan African Peoples on a blog,
Sub-Saharan African Peoples Nudges to Action and on the SSAP Facebook page, Sub-Saharan African Peoples (
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sub-Saharan-African-Peoples/100173880060607?ref=hl ). Non-Facebook members can visit the Sub-Saharan African Peoples FB page.
This week's random photo! Not sure if I will use this one day
in a NUDGE TO ACTION, but I love all the colour captured
in this photo taken along the drive to Nairobi from the campus! |
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