Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10, 2013

“O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge.” Psalm 57:1 is a great verse to describe what the Kenya Baptist Theological College staff has done in the last three months. They have depended totally upon God as they sought to REVIVE the college.  They have often made decisions not knowing from where the needed resources would come or what battles would be faced next as they joined God in His work of fulfilling His purpose (v.2) for the college.

Random Photo of the week - spotted this morning on campus!
But as Psalm 57:3 affirms, God has surrounded them with His love and He has been faithful as impossible and sometimes years old problems are being resolved.  Salaries are almost caught up, long-standing bills are being paid, and most importantly joy has returned to the campus.  There is a new excitement as they dream of how KBTC is being RESTORED and how our God will “Be exalted… above the heavens,” His “glory be over all the earth” (v.5) through the staff, faculty and students of KBTC.

KBTC staff meeting held yesterday morning.
As I read Psalm 57 in my devotions early this morning, I laughed in amazement.  Reading this chapter was not a result of searching for a ‘guide’ for today’s update; it was simply the next chapter as I work through the Psalms. But once again, God provided the perfect ‘links’ for my planned thoughts! Such as in recent weeks, some have spread nets and dug pits (v.6), hoping to discourage those working towards the RESURRECTION of KBTC.  Thanks to your prayers, the KBTC staff has been steadfast (v7). 

Dining Hall/Chapel in the new building on the upper campus.
Another awesome ‘link’ in verse 7 – Not all of their jobs require singing and making music, but all have worked long hours to accomplish one thing being REVISED - the move of the college’s music school to the new partially completed building on the upper campus. No harps or lyres are awaiting students resuming class this week, but I did spot lots of drums, guitars and keyboards in their new classrooms this morning!

Students were to return to class this past Monday, but there have been deterrents, with the greatest being that in recent years most students were allowed in class even though they had not paid the current or past tuition.  This is no longer being allowed and many students have arrived without any funds believing the staff would waiver as in the past and allow them in class. But to our amazement, none have become angry and several, before returning home to find the needed funds, thanked the staff for what they are doing to RESCUE the college!

A few students (five by mid-day) have paid their current and past fees.  Their classes began this morning as Jack met with those in the Baptist History class, giving them a short lecture before assigning independent work to do as more students arrive with fees.  Hopefully before next Monday, this three week term of classes can fully begin, which leads to the staff’s goal – that KBTC will be revived/ restored/ resurrected/ revised/ rescued, RESULTING once again in a place where African Believers can be prepared to REFLECT the PRESENCE OF GOD and become qualified and capable workers in our Father’s Harvest Field.”

First class in the new (partially completed) building - Jack giving
independent work to the two students who have cleared fees!
Another student was allowed in the class later in the morning.
Please join us in praying that students will be do their part in all the above R’s by being RESPONSIBLE stewards and RETURNING to campus with their REQUIRED tuition fees!  Pray also for strength and refreshment for Jack and me.  We are more certain than ever that God has called us to be at the College at this time, but we are tired! Pray also for strength and refreshment for the KBTC staff as all of them have worked very long hours in the last few months.

Sunrise last Thursday morning at KBTC.
I also ask that you join us in praying that the specialist I will see on Friday afternoon will help me gain control of my asthma, rather than it controlling me as we live at a higher altitude where it is very damp and cool! Pray also that I will have sensitivity as I seek to strengthen and encourage my co-workers by sharing their stories of how God is at work among their Sub-Saharan African Peoples, nudging* you and others to join in God’s work in His harvest field!  BERT YATES
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* One part of Bert's work is posting daily Nudges to Action for Sub-Saharan African Peoples.  These Nudges can be found on a blog, Sub-Saharan African Peoples Nudges to Action and on the SSAP Facebook page, Sub-Saharan African Peoples ( ). Non-Facebook members can visit the Sub-Saharan African Peoples FB page. 
Bert's page on Facebook can be found at

Bert's new cover photo on Facebook.

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