Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010

Joy and sorrow – our emotions of the last week. Joy as we shared the first game of the World Cup with the youth of our church, Parklands Baptist in Nairobi. Sorrow as we helped a volunteer return to the States when she learned that her teen-aged son was very ill. Joy as we heard how her volunteer team and another in western Kenya were boldly sharing God’s love and salvation with the lost of Kenya. Joy as we watched fellow missionaries and African Christians use a sports event to share God’s love and salvation. Sorrow when we learned that as we watched one of the World Cup games on Sunday evening, Kenya once again made the news when a political rally was disrupted – another sign of Kenya’s political unrest.

I’m always hesitant to share more than one internet link each week, but the best way to guide you in joining us in prayer this week is by sharing several with you. The first is a new photo album with prayer nudges, “Waving the Flags in Kenya,” which shares how Psalm 96 is alive today as Christians find new ways to “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." (Psalm 96:3) Find the Prayer Slideshow at: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=235939&id=685050129&l=a493776bcc

IMB missionaries and Baptist churches in South Africa, the home of the 2010 World Cup, are especially busy during the games which will continue through July 11th. To learn how: “God is using the World Cup to make His name known, in Africa and around the world!” and how to “ Pray for Christians in Sub-Sahara Africa during the World Cup and beyond” go to: www.worldsoccerjourneys.com and www.mReport.org.

If you are a YouTube fan, or even if you’re uncertain about this phenomena, I encourage you to watch a video featuring the theme song of the World Cup with views of the flags of the 32 countries playing for THE CUP! This was not designed to be a prayer tool, but it can be IF you view it and ask yourself: What if all Christians would "Take the field" and without "inhibition" proudly "CELEBRATE" our Father's love and salvation in view of "all nations"? Check out “Waving Flag (lyrics) 32 countries, One Cup” at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYNVdVhW4iA&feature=related

I also ask that you join us in praying for Kenyan Christians as they deal with the problems of their country. Kenyan politicians often use church services as a time to share their messages – including weddings and even funerals – which might at first sound good, but too often leads to glory and the focus being given in the wrong direction. Thankfully Baptists are known for only allowing their services to focus on God and bring glory and honor to Him, not to man. Pray that Christians will use God’s Word and His Spirit, rather than political leaders, as their guide in reacting to their country’s problems. For more, go to : “Military joins hunt…” – http://www.nation.co.ke/News/Military%20joins%20hunt%20for%20Nairobi%20park%20bombers/-/1056/938868/-/ei5l7q/-/index.html

I am sending our prayer update early this week because our sources of joy and sorrow are in need of speedy and extra prayer support! My hope is that you begin praying today AND find ways to share these prayer nudges with other prayer warriors, including sharing the pictures/videos/links during your Wednesday night prayer time. I ask this because I know our Father hears and responds to our prayers! BERT

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Two more sites that you might want to click:

Football Fever – A fun/culture study with a bit of prayer nudges of how the World Cup fever is present in Kenya – http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=234038&id=685050129&l=b4a0eeef1a (You do not have to be a Facebook member to view these pictures.)

For a great view of African Ingenuity and Humor, check out PEPSI’s ad for the World Cup at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiB3683PztQ&NR=1

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