This was evidenced on Monday as I watched Jack begin teaching another class at Kenya Baptist Theological College. I was recently asked to teach a class and agreed only with an understanding that although my GIFTS do include the class subject, Communication, I am NOT a teacher! Jack is the opposite – God gave him the GIFT of teaching and this class is extra special to him as the students of “Principles of Teaching” also share his heart’s desire to teach God’s Word.

More examples of Christians using their GIFTS to exalt God and share His name were seen this week in the ongoing World Cup. On Sunday, I watched a youth minister bring glory and honor to God by blowing a VUVUZELA! The sound of this horn added to the incredible praise time experienced by the youth as they focused on God and His place in their lives. Not everyone appreciates this African horn which

Then yesterday, we received this message from a friend using his GIFT of communication at the World Cup: “We went to the USA- Ghana game…it was amazing to see the reaction at the end of the game by Africans from all parts of the continent… especially wonderful was the reaction from the Americans. After the game two Ghanaian players ran around the stadium with both the Ghanaian and South African flags and everybody cheered, and African men and women cried and hugged and were overwhelmed. It was very moving to see people from all over the world cheering for Africa…It was a special night that really represented what I think the World Cup should be about… there are many gifted young people here… there has been a real impact for the Kingdom, many people are coming to Christ through the various Christian Organizations and churches that are working in the communities and around the stadiums in South Africa.” To see how God is at work at these games and how Christians are using their GIFTS for God’s glory, go to: www.worldsoccerjourneys.com and www.mReport.org
All of this leads to many prayer requests this week: Pray for God’s guidance as Jack teaches “Principles of teaching” through July 10. Pray that the students

* For pictures to illustrate these prayer praises and needs, go to “Using our Gifts to Exalt and Praise God” at: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=249071&id=685050129&l=c892952b94 (You do not need to be a FACEBOOK member to view these pictures, simply click the blue lettering or copy and paste.)