During the last few months I have shared several of these Great Commission/Lottie Moon Stories – true stories of how God has been, is, and is continuing to be at work in Kenya thanks to your support (these are found in the right column). Yes, it is part of my job to encourage you to continue supporting us through your prayers, giving, and even through joining us in our work as a volunteer,

And now I have another incredible story to share with you. Last Sunday I attended Ridgeways Baptist Church which was started in the late 1980’s by your missionaries and a very special group of people – second generation Baptists. Elijah Wanje, the pastor, and several others who began this church are the children of some of the first Baptist pastors in Kenya. In the new blog, “Bringing People to Christ,” a retired missionary who was a part of beginning Ridgeways shares her memories. The blog also includes another story – the story of Ridgeways Baptist Church becoming involved
My prayer is that you will take time to join me in praising God for how Ridgeways Baptist Church is joining a few Christians – some of your IMB missionaries and Kenyans with a heart for ministering to street children – as they work together sharing God’s love and salvation with some of the neediest members of our world. I wish I could have wrapped this new blog in coloured papers and added an intricate bow to help you realize that it is my gift to you – my way of saying thank you for how you allow me and other IMB missionaries to be among the workers in the harvest field of our Father! Bert Yates
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To open the NEW BLOG, “Bringing People to Christ,” click the following: http://ridgewaysbaptistchurch.blogspot.com/
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