Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 25, 2008

Life is almost normal again for us – or at least Africa normal! Prayers are being answered and Jack’s shoulder is healing faster than expected, but slower than he would like. He still cannot travel comfortably on our roads and the three month post-surgery no-driving period may need to be extended due to our our potholes /craters/ripples/bumps and the whacky drivers. Jack will return on July 20th to Johannesburg, South Africa, for a check-up with the surgeon. We are thankful for the excellent physical therapy he is receiving at a clinic within a block of our home and for the care we are provided through the IMB thanks to your financial gifts.

Jack’s prayer requests include a prayer for patience as he continues rearranging his work to accommodate his limited ability to travel. Praise God with us for the way that co-workers have willingly travelled to our home for meetings. Jack needs wisdom as he advises and works with the leaders of the Baptist Convention of Kenya as they currently deal with several difficult issues. Pray that Jack and the leaders will have the needed patience, insights and strength to bring about changes that will truly bring Glory to our Father and result in more people knowing of His love and salvation.

Patience is also my number one prayer item as I continue balancing my schedule to accommodate helping Jack accomplish his work. I also need wisdom as I search for the best ways to share the prayer items of our personal “Legacy Work” and the prayer needs for the IMB work and unreached people groups of Kenya. My desire is to truly lead others to prayer as I share insights into how to pray for others – especially the “others” from areas where they cannot openly share their prayer needs.

My praise is that a personal heart desire for many years is becoming a reality. Since arriving in Kenya in 1978, the lack of self-esteem of many young women has concerned me. For years I have been accumulating a “GOD SAYS I AM…” list in the back of my study Bible. Several times I began putting these verses into a Bible study, but I always concluded that the timing was not right. My desire was to work through the verses with some Christian young women as the book took shape. Multiple times a Bible study group formed, only to fall through or go in a different direction! After asking umpteen young Christian female friends during the last few months if they would meet with me for Bible study, one young woman enthusiastically accepted. Eunice Ng’anga, an insurance underwriter, is an exceptionally confident young woman, but her volunteer work with street kids has left her with a special burden for the girls on the street. We have already met three times and these have been very special times as we work through the list in my Bible. Please pray that we will truly allow God to direct us as we meet each Tuesday afternoon after Eunice’s work day. Praise God for how Eunice is already using some of these verses with the street girls, some of the most insecure young women in our society. Join Eunice in praying for new co-workers who are willing/able to visit with the street kids two or three times each week between 5 and 6:30 in the morning – the best time to minister with them. Sandy Wilson, the missionary who has been organizing this ministry, is retiring next week and Boniface, the Kenyan pastor who assists, will soon move to a home being built for boys who want to leave the street – and the home is too far away for him to continue with the street ministry. Pray also that Eunice will quickly find a place to live that allows her safer and easier travel into the city centre on the mornings of ministry.

One additional praise before I close – No more messages saying that my work was hampered by a lack of electricity. We used our “tax rebate” yesterday to purchase a special battery backup system that allows me to use my computer for eight hours or more without electricity! The electricity is on as I write, but was off/on all of yesterday and the lights are flickering as I type, so the back-up is a true praise in our house! Thanks for your continued prayers for us, Bert Yates

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