Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014

JET LAG – a condition Jack and I are currently experiencing as explained at – “Symptoms of jet lag can vary… Jet lag symptoms may include: Disturbed sleep… insomnia, early waking… Daytime fatigue; Difficulty concentrating or functioning at your usual level… A general feeling of not being well…” 

The Mayo Clinic also added another bit which gives us hope: “It's estimated to take about a day to recover for each time zone crossed.” We returned to Kenya seven days ago, so hopefully our jet lag will end soon as we crossed seven time zones during our 21 hours of travel last week!

I have really worked today at putting together a knowledgeable report of all the great happenings since our return, as well as a few not so great things (additional security concerns), but I’ve given up on sharing in a knowledgeable way this week.  Hopefully by next week our jetlag symptoms will have disappeared, as will the total exhaustion from unpacking the household items stored in our bedroom during our six months of Stateside Assignment, and the emptying and sorting things in our luggage! 

At the close of this update, I've shared a sneak preview of one of our two very special blessings of the last week via a video entitled “Maasai guard 'Welcome Back to KBTC'” ( Sorry, you'll have to wait for next week's update for the other very, VERY special blessing!  

As my current “Difficulty concentrating or functioning at your usual level” leaves me unsure how this happened, I have accomplished one bit of my work this week and I encourage you to view last week’s daily posts of Nudges to Action for Sub-Saharan African Peoples (  Lots of action (prayers, giving and serving) is needed as Believers seek to share our Father’s love, salvation, hope and peace with all our peoples, so please take a few moments to join others in learning what God is up to among our peoples and how to join in His work!
And now before returning to the exhausted unpacking (which I hope will leave me tired enough to make a speedier recovery from JET LAG), I do want to assure you that we’re not too tired or affected by insomnia to be thankful for your prayer support.  We have been able to continue, even when it seemed impossible in recent days, we have overcome a few tricks sent from the devil, and we are concentrating and functioning enough to know that your prayers are being answered!  BERT

ADDED NOTE:  And if I’ve not yet gotten the point across of the problem of jetlag – I just caught myself sleeping at the computer as I reread this update! My remedy?  I got up and fixed myself a mug of Kenyan style chai made with DECAF tea bags!

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