Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 22nd SSAPeoples Nudge to Action

As I do my work as the Sub-Saharan African Peoples Affinity Prayer Networker, I often read incredible stories, but I am sure that the story shared as today's Nudge to Action for SSAPeoples* during this Lottie Moon Christmas Offering season will be one of my all-time favourites!
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A story Lottie Moon would have loved from an IMB missionary in Madagascar: "While putting our 2 year old to bed last night she said: 'I need to tell our baby (6 days old) something important.' She went to her sister and said, 'Baby, love Jesus and honor God with all your heart.' I said, 'That is important, thank you for telling her that.' She said, 'Yep, I love Jesus with all my heart.'” 

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