Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Urgent Prayer Request from the Yates

A few hours ago I wrote the following in our newsletter: “In the last week, we’ve also seen one major obstacle begin to subside...” At the time I was writing these words, Jack was given a letter that disproved my first sentence – the obstacle was not subsiding, but just revamping to return with greater strength. So once, again, I cannot give you all the information due to the nature of the ‘issues’, but please join us in praying that those dealing with this new issue will truly rely upon God’s direction for their decisions. Pray that they will rely upon and claim God’s strength in carrying out their decisions. Pray also that we will have the right attitude towards those responsible for or involved in this new development and how they have handled things to this point. But most of all pray that we and all involved will truly seek to be a positive part of God’s current and future purposes for KBTC.

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