Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 13, 2013

“What happened good today?”

“Something really good! Nothing bad happened!” 

My question last Thursday and Jack’s answer. We are very alert to the Spiritual Warfare all around us, but we chose long ago to keep our focus on the one who can counter the devil’s efforts, our God! And the devil attacked with special vengeance last Wednesday, likely because we were seeking your prayer support! One ‘bomb’ after another exploded around Jack as he discovered more and more people with grievances, bills to be paid and needs requiring further incoming bills, and other examples of the depth of the problems at Kenya Baptist Theological College. I also had trouble completing the week’s prayer update and finished later than ever due to weak internet and other frustrations!

BUT you were praying and we awoke Thursday morning to a gorgeous sunrise – We now live the African rural life of arising before the sun! The day that followed was not only a “nothing bad happened” day, but one when God constantly assured us that, as Jack said yesterday, “We cannot do the tasks God is asking us to do at the moment, but He CAN!” 

I wrote the previous paragraphs and the following ones before Jack returned for lunch - THIS Wednesday has definitely been a good day for KBTC. Jack was able to pay several bills, some outstanding for months this morning, AND a US Baptist church group made a visit this morning. They were staying at the Brackenhurst Conference Centre, KBTC’s neighbor, and as they left this morning to enroll members of their People Group focus at another seminary, a Kenyan friend told them that KBTC was not ‘dead’ as they had been told, but the best place for them to visit! Jack has a meeting this afternoon with this group to talk about their desire, which they thought was no longer needed, to be a part of KBTC’s revival! Jack also received messages from others this morning sharing their interest in assissting KBTC’s resurrection! YES, OUR GOD CAN AND IS accomplishing His work!

Do keep praying as Jack serves as the principal at KBTC with a goal of a “revived/ restored/ resurrected/ revised/ rescueD KBTC, RESULTing once again in a place where African Believers can be prepared to REFLECT the PRESENCE OF GOD and become qualified and capable workers in our Father’s Harvest Field.”* Pray that the Holy Spirit’s guidance will be very, very clear to Jack and his friends/ coworkers/ advisors as difficult decisions are made.

Pray for me as the final steps are in place for me to take on new responsibilities for sharing what God is doing among Sub-Saharan African Peoples and how you and others can join in His work. Jack and I have worked for many years on the Legacy Team, thus our ‘focus’ is on peoples reached by our Father’s love, rather than the Unreached/ Unengaged. But the latter is our ultimate goal as we focus on "Strengthening and encouraging as we – Jack, I, and African Believers – engage lostness together” (Acts 14:22; Revelation 14:6). Why? Because we know that African Believers are uniquely equipped to “Shatter the Silence of African Peoples.” Yes, I’ve worked on my 2013 work plans this week and the two quotes are our personal goal  and the over-all goal for IMB staff in Sub-Saharan Africa!

Pray for us as we continue living in the city on weekends and at KBTC during the week. Pray for wise scheduling during our weekend visits to our home in Nairobi as we do laundry, shop, plan meals, and other preparations for ‘camping-out’ during the week in our little country cottage. Pray also that a house will soon be me available at KBTC (currently a logistical/financial nightmare) so that we will not expend so much time and energy packing/ unpacking/ preparing to pack again.

One more very needed prayer request – a prayer for peace during Kenya’s upcoming national elections on March 4th. Some Kenyans expect peaceful elections, others are preparing for a difficult time, and all are praying. Preparing for elections in our part of the world requires stocking foods and other needs in case we cannot shop for a while and many from other countries have planned personal ‘exit’ strategies

I’m not sharing this to frighten you, but to seek your prayers for peace. Kenya has such great potential in many areas, especially in the ability of East African Believers to reach their part of the world with the love of Christ. Links are shared below** for “Mungu Baba/Father our God”, the song and the lyrics (Kiswahili and English), which was recently released by a Kenyan Gospel artist. The words and the photos are especially beautiful and a great prayer guide for peace during our elections – your prayers which we do depend upon! BERT YATES
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* Specific ways to join Jack in praying can be found at: January 2nd Yates/IMB/Kenya&SSAP Update
** “Mungu Baba” is at; Lyrics (Kiswahili and English) are at
New "Sub-Saharan African Peoples Nudges to Action" are posted daily at and on Facebook - – which can be viewed by non-Facebook members.

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