Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November 7, 2012

Another week of God using what I prepared to challenge others to challenge me!  As I composed  this week’s nudges,* I knew that many people’s focus would be on the US elections.  Yesterday’s nudge shared what I wanted my focus to be during the elections: “Ephesians 5:16-20 missionary challenge: Do I make ‘the most of every opportunity?’ Do I seek ‘the Lord’s will?’  Do I allow His Spirit to fill me?  Do I ‘sing and make music in (my) heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God... for everything?’” 

Then Hebrews 4:12,13 took effect and once again God used His Word to judge “the thoughts and attitudes of (my) heart” as He challenged me to provide my answers to these questions, answers which offer a look at our last week…

Do we make “the most of every opportunity”? God allowed Jack many opportunities this past week to mentor and encourage others, often via the phone or e-mail.  One call came at night as he was enjoying a movie and he was tempted to not retrieve his phone, but he did! It was a Kenyan Baptist leader needing encouragement after a very painful experience.  

God presented a special opportunity for me yesterday when I asked a new acquaintance of another faith, “How is your business going?” I was astounded as she shared frustrations that I had once felt as employer/ administrator.  As we talked and I assured her of my prayers, her response made it clear that we are now friends, not just acquaintances. 
Am I seeking “the Lord’s will?”  While shopping (with limited time) on another day, I passed the shop of a friend who worships many gods.  God ‘pushed’ me take a few extra minutes and return to her shop.  As I checked on how He is answering prayers I had recently promised to offer on her behalf, she shared not just facts of her health, but her fears and frustrations! I left knowing that her total honesty meant a new level of friendship and communication as she trusts the One who hears my prayers!

Do we allow His Spirit to fill us?  Short answer:  Several times in recent days as we faced discouragement and frustration, we knew that only His Spirit could have provided the peace and direction we felt!

A special moment comes to mind when I ask if I am making “music in (my) heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God?” As I arrived at church last Sunday, I needed a perk.  The first person that I spotted was a Kenyan friend and her almost three year old daughter, who immediately ran towards me with her arms outstretched ready to for a hug!  I don’t think I need to explain if this led to music in my heart and thanksgiving!!! And PLEASE know: Thanksgiving also comes from knowing that we have your prayer support, as well as financial and personnel support!  BERT
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*To view last week’s Nudges from East Africa/Sub-Saharan Africa, go to

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