Two friends sent me messages
this week. One wrote, “I wonder how you
are able to share the Prayer Nudges* every day.” The other asked, “How do you think up all the prayer nudges?” My reply, “ I wonder also! To be honest, I
don’t know how I ‘see’ the nudges, which makes me very alert to the fact that
God is the one doing the nudging! I do spend hours on the internet each day
reading the blogs, newsletters and Facebook posts of colleagues, but I am
continually amazed by how God brings all the thoughts and ‘pictures’ in my mind

The time on the computer does
get tedious and I do get lonely for real friends, yet I feel so, so blessed to
have my ‘job’ which allows me to focus on what God is doing in our part of the world. Last week in a down moment, I questioned ‘why I do what I do?’ Is it just a passion for writing? Am I addicted to the computer? As always when these questions arise , the same answer surfaces: It is a passion! How can one not be passionate
about sharing what God is doing in East Africa!
When I hear so much good news or even not-so-good news in need of
support, I simply cannot keep it all to myself – I HAVE TO SHARE IT with
others! I also sometimes question if I’m
rudely pushing the prayer nudges on others, but I find the ‘good news’ I hear
is SO EXCITING and in need of added praise and support, that I MUST find new warm
bodies, new audiences to share this news!

And when I question if another
motive for my work is self-glory, God keeps me in check via His Word! This week, He reminded me that rather than
focusing on the ‘battles’ that I and other East African Believers are facing, I
must remember, “Do not be afraid or discouraged.” Remember: These battles re
not ours, “BUT God’s.” Rather than worry, we must take up our positions (which
requires staying in close touch with our Father through His Word, prayer and
fellowship with other Believers) and “stand firm and see” what HE IS DOING! And there is another critical step, one I
often forget: “Sing to the LORD... praise him for the splendor of his holiness
as” we do His work, even that which leaves us confused, overwhelmed, or feeling
inadequate! (2 Chronicles 2:15-22)
One more question you may be
thinking: WHY is Bert sharing this today?
My answer: I really don’t know, but when God keeps bringing something to
mind and guides my fingers as I type these updates (and today is a little more
hurried than some as we are without electricity for the second day this week), I
have learned to trust that this is HIS work/ battle/ difficulties and not mine and
I must trust Him!

I will close this week with a special joy Jack and I
experienced last Sunday. The choir
at our church, Parklands Baptist/ Mombasa Road, led us in singing “I Surrender All” this past Sunday not
at the close of our worship service, but before the sermon during the
praise/worship time. We quickly realized
that the familiar hymn takes on a whole new meaning when it is sung as a declaration of what we are doing and as a
source of praise for what happens when we do surrender all (our lives,
resources, work, plans, etc.) to Him! And
as if that wasn’t enough to excite and encourage us, we ended the song by
singing it in Swahili, “Yote kwa Yesu… Ee
Mwokozi, Natoa sasa.” Jack’s act of
surrendering at the moment is grading seminary tests! He is passionate about teaching, but… Pray
also for Jack and the Kenyan Baptist Believers on the Board of Governors of the
Kenya Baptist Theological College as they spend hours helping KBTC enter
2012 with newness of life, a new creation able to serve our Father. Pray
for me as I surrender to hours on the computer and seek God’s guidance in
encouraging and strengthening my East African co-workers as I find ways to share their walk with our Father. BERT
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