Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20, 2011

“A tough week … Will you pray?” This is how a prayer letter I received this week began and ended. The letter also shared news of nursing an injured spouse, a tale of an uninvited slithery houseguest, the death of a new believer, and the heartbreak of a current work project, one they had expected to bring plenty of hard work, but also lots of joy and glory to our Father!

The same day we received a prayer request from friends facing threats. Usually these friends diligently inform their prayer supporters of their specific needs, but due to the complexities of the issues, this time they could only say, “We really need prayers at the moment!”

The next day, I received a request from a young couple: “Pray … there is some serious spiritual warfare going on in our area.” A story then unfolded of a house destroyed purposefully by fire and of stealing – all related to a needed relief effort in an East Africa rural community. The couple have a strong prayer support network and they were asking for prayer for discernment as they composed their next prayer letter and decided what they could/ should/ would share!

So today, our prayer request is for you to join us in praying for friends who are in the midst of what one terms as “serious spiritual warfare … tough stuff, all satan inspired.” We have learned that often, VERY OFTEN, when prayers are most needed by our Father’s Fellow Workers, in any place in our world, there are restraints in place which requires sensitivity in sharing specifics – so constant prayer is needed.

Thank you for praying last week for Jessie (our daughter) and Amy as they assist at a school for refugee kids from Somalia. The headmaster of the school gave them an unexpected opportunity to be bold ambassadors of our Father’s love and salvation – he asked them to teach the TRUE LOVE WAITS introduction in each of the older classes. Pray that the kids will remember what they heard and it will affect their hearts and their minds.

After two other encounters this past week, I also ask you to pray for wisdom as those of other faiths ask us to join them in prayer. One morning this week, the children in Class (grade) 8 asked Amy to pray for the Mock exams they were taking that day (preparing for the real exams to be taken later in the year – exams which will determine their future life and educational opportunities.) Amy’s and Jessie’s frustration: How to pray for the exams, while sharing how our Savior hears and responds to our prayers. I also had a friend ask me this week to rejoice with her for a blessing she had received that day. My frustration: She believes that the man who heads her religious organization personally forgave her past sins and allowed her to be “born again” – and all of this was shared in a situation where there was no opportunity for follow-up!

To end this week’s update of our praises and heart prayers, I will repeat my friend’s request: “WILL YOU PRAY?” BERT

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