“The LORD said to me … “look carefully, listen closely and give attention to everything I tell you” (Ezekiel 44:5) – the verse jumped-out during my devotions this morning. Another verse jumped as I prepared yesterday’s Prayer Nudge (1) – “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth” (Romans 9:17). These words were first spoken to an Egyptian, but variations of God’s desire for all on our earth to know of His love and power is shared over and over in our Bible. It was no accident that these verses jumped at me at this time – it was God’s Word being alive and active and reminding me of our call to East Africa: Jack and I know without a doubt that God’s ongoing purpose for our lives is to “look carefully, listen closely and pay attention” to His Word – which will increase our ability to proclaim His name as we strengthen and encourage others to do the same.

And yes, sometimes, actually very often, missionaries do need a personal reminder. We have experienced many variations of JOY this past week. We felt JOY during last week’s training session for sharing our faith with people of another faith. Those attending the meeting (both international and national missionaries) did have open and eager ears, hearts and minds – which led to all of us being astounded by how God affirmed His purpose for our lives not only in this area, but in other parts of our ministry. I only attended the first day, but it provided the clarification/ encouragement I needed for preparing Prayer Nudges for other faiths – plus another time when God clearly showed me how to write the sensitive Prayer Nudge for the meeting (March 4th). Jack’s goal was to learn how to better witness to followers of a different faiths and challenge others to do the same, but he also received new insights for improving his Church Planting seminars.
Another type of JOY occurred on Saturday when we heard that an “adopted” aunt had died. We knew that Aunt Mattie was “not doing well … At 96, she is just tired and worn out.” Via internet, God used friends and “family” from the town where I served as a Youth Director during college days to remind us that this was a time of JOY, not sorrow. As I remembered the special love and encouragement of this Godly woman, I was reminded again that God’s promise of eternal life is a very precious gift. I was also reminded that He strengthens our desire and ability to proclaim His name as we view His power in the lives of others!

We awoke to another JOY last Sunday. After struggling to find the right words to share this JOY with friends, I posted this on FB: “Arrived at Parklands Baptist Church/Mombasa Road this morning with a heavy heart after learning of the death of our friend, Joy Mwangi - BUT we returned home having experienced a truly awesome time of worship - the word Celebration was used more times that I could count! Praising God for a Godly friend, pastor's wife and mom and for providing healing, not in the way we had prayed, but the greatest healing - arrival in Heaven!” Joy displayed God’s power proclaimed His name to all the earth in many ways, including being a great wife to Simon, one of Parklands’s pastors, by touching the lives of business students at the Shauri Moyo Baptist Centre and through the children’s ministry at our church.

Pray for strength and encouragement for the Body of Christ in Kenya as Joy’s life is celebrated on Friday at a memorial service and burial on Saturday. Pray that Joy’s family and friends will display God’s power and proclaim His name to all the earth during this time and in the future as we remember Joy’s example.
Thank you once again for reading our weekly prayer update and for being a part of how God is at work in our part of the world, BERT
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(1) 3/8/11 Prayer Nudge can be found at: http://easternafrica2011prayernudges.blogspot.com/2011/03/march-8-2011.html
(2) 3/4/11 Prayer nudge found at: http://easternafrica2011prayernudges.blogspot.com/2011/03/march-4-2011.html
*2011 PRAYER NUDGES FROM EASTERN AFRICA: To receive these Prayer Updates via e-mail, you can subscribe at: http://easternafrica2011prayernudges.blogspot.com/ OR Photo Prayer Nudges can also be viewed at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=351345&id=685050129&l=47f55a92ab – You DO NOT need to be a Facebook member to view these Prayer Nudges, BUT if you are a member, please send me a friend request!
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