Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11, 2009

The mental planning/preparation for this week’s Prayer Update began days ago, then ONCE AGAIN, when it came time this morning to write the update – the update took on a life of its own. I could blame this on lots of things, but I’ve learned to cease “pondering” and accept this as an answer to your and our prayers as the Holy Spirit shows me exactly what I should share with you this week!

Today’s “Update Saga” begins with our attending Parkland Baptist Church’s annual Mission Conference last Saturday. Jack was among the program speakers concerning “Enhanced Partnerships – Enhanced Possibilities.” I went to find ways to raise prayer support for our work with the Legacy Team (the established Baptist work). The first note I wrote as a reminder of what to share with you related to our prepared name tags. Jack was identified as BMOK (Baptist Mission of Kenya); my label – Parklands Baptist Church Member. My reaction: It is a new day in missions in Kenya as we find that we are valued and needed as “pro” missionaries, but possibly our greatest means of “being” missionaries is by working among Kenyan Believers as friends and co-workers.

As always, Jack enjoyed having the opportunity to share his passion for discipleship. His message: Any mission endeavor must include not only sharing God’s love and salvation, but teaching how those listening can do the same. It was exciting to watch the very mixed group of more than 100 participants from different denominations, mission groups, people groups, countries, ages, and professions react to all they heard and discuss their mission activities.

Another scribble in my notebook – The awesome prayer reminder worn by a young woman, followed by a note of our “chance encounter.” While standing in the lunch line, I met the young woman and explained why I took her picture. While eating irio (African hot potato salad), chapatis (like tortillas) and beef stew, I learned that she was a university student already working full time in the internet industry. As we talked, I realized that our encounter was not coincidental, but God led. She was at the conference to find others who shared her love for using the internet as a tool for sharing God’s love and salvation – not as a professional missionary, but simply as a trained internet professional! The conference’s goal was working – I was ENHANCED, encouraged, excited, enthused…!

All the above was in my earlier “plan” for today’s prayer update – but two “incidences” led to a change of heart of what to share with you today. First, Jack shared at breakfast his excitement of teaching “The History of Baptist Work in Kenya” to a seminary class yesterday afternoon. He told me of his amazement that most of the “history” was new to this incredible bunch of young Christians – few had grown up knowing a Baptist missionary or our first Kenyan Baptist leaders. This could be seen as a negative, but we realized that this was part of God’s multiplication plan as disciples make disciples who make disciples! We discussed again the importance of accepting that this is a new day and that our role must change to not be the “leaders” but to be “strengtheners and encouragers” as we make certain that this new group of Christians have the needed spiritual foundation to continue the multiplication of followers of Christ!

The second incident, was the arrival in my morning’s e-mails of information of a new Web site designed to tell the stories of Africa, from Africa, for Africa - . As I skimmed the site, I recognized the young lady featured in one of the video stories – Eunice of “Eunice and the Street Boys,” is the same Eunice that is my dear friend and one that I and a recently retired missionary have had the joy of mentoring. Take time to view this site and share it with your friends. It is yet one more example of our Father’s multiplication plan in action!

This incident also led to a delay in my completing today’s update. After my scheduled work yesterday, I edited pictures from last week’s mission’s conference. I wanted to prepare a “Internet Prayer Walk” as my contribution to the Lottie Moon emphasis. But, energy and time were lacking and I decided I would finish later in the week! But after viewing the Africa Stories website and remembering all the “encounters” God had provided us this week and His reminders of how He is at work among the Legacy Churches, I realized that I had to complete the Prayer Walk. I had to send it to you today as a THANK YOU for your financial and prayer support and as an encouragement to continue as our supporters as you experience – thanks to the internet - how God has blessed your past gifts.

So, I’m asking that you go to a second internet site and “Prayer walk with me through a Mission's Conference at Parklands Baptist Church in Nairobi Kenya, beginning with praying over a simple cup and ending with praying over a New Testament for people from a neighbouring country which is at war politically and spiritually.” You can find these pictures/captions which you can use personally or share with others (all the pictures can be copied) on my FACEBOOK page or at:

Thank you for wading through this week’s longer-than-usual prayer update, but I can’t apologize for the length – We had too many exciting things to share with you today – too many things that need your offerings of praise and requests to our Father! Bert Yates

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