Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19, 2009

Exhausted, but energized – our emotional range at the moment. Thanks for praying as we continue speaking in churches and spending time with family and friends before returning to Nairobi on September 5th. Exhaustion showed last Wednesday night, our 6th event in 4 days, when I forgot what I was to say next! I felt your prayers as I remembered the notes in my Swahili/English Bible – which I had never used before – which guided me on! Yet each time when the exhaustion passes, we are left with a renewed/increasing desire to be back in Kenya finding new ways to be involved in God’s work there.

We need your prayers this week as Jack completes the Mission’s Training Seminar for volunteers at First Baptist Church in Rocky Mount, NC, next Monday night and as I challenge the participants to a deeper level of prayer. God is answering prayers that this training will lead to an “increased understanding of the practical applications of the Great Commission.” Pray also for a special opportunity to share with past and potential volunteers at a “NC MISSIONS CELEBRATION” presented by North Carolina Baptist Men next Thursday evening. Pray that we will be able to adequately share our praise for how God has already used North Carolina volunteers in His work in Kenya and challenge more men, women and youth to find how God can use their gifts and talents in His work.

We are thankful especially this week for your prayers for our family and it is definitely proof that many of you prayed extra on our birthdays (Bert/14th – Jack/18th – This is NOT a reminder to those of you who didn’t remember our birthdays – simply an incredible example of how our heavenly Father does hear and respond to your prayers!) As of last Saturday, we have now, at some time, moved all three of our kids to Raleigh, NC. This was Jessica’s turn to “get her own apartment” and move to the big city. Pray for Jessie as she continues her search for a job, hopefully with a library. Then on Monday, our daughter, Jennifer called with great news – her husband, Aaron, had just accepted a job with a bank “just around the corner” from where she works. His being among the fully-employed after a year plus of “semi-employment” is a great answer to prayer! Then our son, John, called yesterday to say that he would be collecting the truck this week that he has been working towards purchasing – an important step in his goal to become a self-employed “home improver.”

As I was writing this update this morning, a book arrived in the mail that you might want to add to your devotional library. Book 2 of “Voices of the Faithful” is now available at LIFEWAYS. This book is filled with an entire year of devotions written by your IMB missionaries. One of my stories is the November 23rd entry. I’m not sharing this to boost my own ego, but because I truly believe that if you read all these stories, you not only will be providing the prayer support that your missionaries need, but you will be better equipped to pray for us in the future. AND we do depend upon your prayers! Bert Yates

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