Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15, 2009

It’s another beautiful sunny day in Nairobi, which is good, but not good as the needed rains are still “a-comin’ and a-goin’”. Please continue praying that the rains will be adequate and farmers and herders will make the required profits to support their families. Pray also that food will available/affordable to all Kenyans.

The Alabama, the ship carrying relief food, did arrive safely at the port in Mombasa, so now prayers are needed for speedy clearance and delivery of the containers on the ship. Continued prayer is also needed for relief agencies and Kenya’s government leaders as they meet the short and long term needs of the hungry in Kenya. Pray that Christians will be strong and able ambassadors of our Father’s love and salvation as we seek His guidance in responding to the needs.

To be honest, we did pray for clear skies during lunch on Sunday. One of our personal ministries has always been to help other missionaries, especially new families, have a touch of their American culture on holidays. Our guests this past Sunday were: the three other IMB missionaries in Kenya with over 25 years of service; one of our adult missionary kids, Robin Curp Stow, who serves in Kenya with her husband and four kids; as well as a newly appointed couple who arrived in Kenya with their five kids on Good Friday. With nine kids hoping to find Easter eggs, you can understand why we were thankful for clear skies during the hunt for 250+ eggs! And yes, we are still missing a few eggs – Uncle Jack, Uncle Gene R, and Aunt Janet McDowell hid a few a little too well!

It is AGM (Annual General Meeting) time for the Baptist Convention of Kenya, so today Jack is at the first of three days of meetings. Pray for good meetings that strengthen and encourage our Baptist leaders and churches. Pray that a true revival will begin in our churches that will lead to a renewed desire to share our Saviour’s Good News. Pray for Jack as he relates to our leaders and pastors – pray that he will be wise in knowing when to speak/act and when to “take a backseat.”

Our daughter Jenny, our mom-to-be, was told yesterday that her doctor may help our first grandchild arrive next week rather than hoping for the expected after May 1st arrival – the day we arrive for our four month leave! Our prayer request is first for a safe delivery for Mom and baby; our and Jenny’s second request is that the little one will be patient and have a May rather than April birth date!

Do continue praying for Jack and me as we prepare for leave. There is always much to be done to be away from our work/home – from packing our suitcases to working with those who will cover our work, to adding a better lock – which is being done at this very moment – on the door of the bedroom which is my office and will be the store-room for some personal items during our leave. Pray for us also as we plan our time in the States – we truly want it to be God’s plan for us. Bert Yates
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For a view of Easter Sunday in Samburu Land, go to:

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