Yes, I am late in writing today, but I have been busy – very busy preparing a new blog for you entitled: United Church of Gujarat, Mission of Parklands Baptist Church. You can find it at:
http://parklandsgujarati.blogspot.com/ .
This was the only way that I could begin to truly share with you our experiences last Saturday night when Jack preached at the monthly service of the United Church of Gujarat, a mission of Parklands Baptist Church. This church where Gujarati is the “first language” is still growing and not ready to go “solo” – but our prayer is that this “mission” will begin their own missions. These are not just dreams, but one of the needed steps as Christians work towards the greatest dream – the dream that everyone in our world will come to know our Saviour’s love and salvation! Praise God also with us for churches like Parklands and Ruiru Baptist Church, between Nairobi and Thika, who are truly carrying out the Great Commission in Kenya!

(Below is Ruiru's sign board)
Thank you for praying for last Thursday evening’s Bible study by the House Groups of Parklands, the study I wrote earlier this month – Discipleship: All you need (Ezra 7:10). I was told on Sunday that the study complemented in an incredible way the other activities of the special Discipleship Emphasis week. I also heard that it challenged many of the most committed Christians in our church to make growing as a disciple and discipling others a higher priority in their lives. One man was especially challenged by God’s words in Proverbs 22:17,18: “Apply your heart to what I teach, for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart and have all of them ready on your lips.” I know this response was the answer to your prayers as I had no information concerning other activities/studies planned for this special week of emphasis, so my human “smarts” could not have allowed me to write what was needed to strengthen all that was heard and learned that week.
Pray for me as I begin teaching a Bible study to three or four young women on Friday. Our time will be limited each week as we are working within the lunch time of my friend, Eunice. She is the young woman who works with street kids that I have been meeting for several months. Eunice has now added going to university full time in the evenings to working full time in the insurance industry and continuing with her Street Kids ministry early one or more mornings each week. Yes, she needs your prayers for her busy schedule, as well as I need your prayers to use the 45 minutes or less we have each week to fully cover the discipleship material.
Continue praying for Jack in his role of mentor/encourager to many Kenyan leaders and pastors. His phone rings often or people show up unexpectedly and he rarely can anticipate what is required of him – so he depends upon your prayers to be God’s encourager and strengthener to them!
Bert *The title of the picture to the left - Even Gujurat Baptists like to eat!
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