Thursday, February 4, 2016

Overwhelmed and Overwhelmed

SOMETIMES, well actually very often, I allow things to overwhelm me - things like an upcoming meeting of leaders of the IMB Sub-Saharan African Peoples to discuss future strategy and structure. My job as the Prayer Networker for our SSAP affinity is already in transition and like many colleagues I have no clue if my job will exist in the future. Don't get me wrong, I KNOW change is needed and I want to join my colleagues in being in the best position possible to reach and engage all our people groups with the Gospel.

THEN after lunch today I went outside with my camera to grab a bit of fresh air and I was overwhelmed in a new way as I spotted a butterfly hot-spot in our yard! As I enjoyed the beauties (will share lots more tomorrow), I could hear my Heavenly Father almost teasing me and asking, “Bert, do you trust me or what? Look at what I’ve created! I also created you, gave you your gifts and talents and know it is your heart’s desire to use these gifts and talents to join in My Work. Just relax and trust me. I know how I can best use you and I promise you will love it!”
(For more BITS OF OUR HEARTS, visit 

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