Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 29, 2011

Today’s Prayer Update will short and sweet as I’m sitting out in the countryside beside a mud hut that is no longer liveable – actually it has free views of the moon at night that were not part of the design! The team from First Baptist Cary, NC, with the help of volunteers from the community are building her a new hut with a mbati (tin) roof. As I type, some of the team are off visiting/witnessing in the community, others are digging holes for the wood support that will frame the house before the walls are made of twigs and mud, and a few are slaughtering a goat will soon be roasting, which the team purchased as a thank you for those helping today!

When I say I’m sitting in the countryside, I mean I am sitting in the shade beside the house on a chair provided by a neighbour. The house built yesterday was for a widower with several small kids and today’s home is for a young mom with two small girls – their husband/dad simply didn’t come home one day! The community chooses the recipients and then helps the volunteers build the simple, but sturdy and dry homes. As the walls are built in the local traditional manner of locally available twigs and mud, the only cost is the nails, tin roof and hiring a professional Kenyan carpenter to supervise – provided by the volunteers.

This volunteer team is just one of many will be serving as our Father’s arms and hands this summer in Kenya and other parts of our world. So as many of you are enjoying summer weather, vacations, etc., use a bit of your longer days to pray for those serving our Father in places away from home – those serving in their home country/continent and those serving in new places! Pray for good health. Pray that their stomachs adjust to new foods. Pray that those in hot places drink plenty of water. Pray for strength and boldness as they deal with unique toilets or no toilets and limited water or only cold water for showers. Pray for good and restful sleep for those serving in different time zones. AND pray especially that they will be strong ambassadors of their heavenly Father as they share His story, His love and His salvation both in planned testimonies and as they visit with all they meet!

As I said, this would be short as there are no electricity lines within miles of where I am working and my computer battery will not last forever and working with my lap as a desk is not easy. But I will take time to thank you again for being a part of our work, more importantly God’s work as you pray and support others on mission with God. BERT

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